Thursday, May 21, 2009

For My Single Female Friends - With Love from HARO!

Started by Peter Shankman, Help A Reporter Out, HARO, is an online service that hooks journalists up with resources. You can join HARO too, it's free. You'll receive topics that journalists are working on and you have the opportunity to help them out with your contacts. So if you're in marketing and PR, as I am, it's another way to get your clients in front of the appropriate source. Less often there are casting calls like this one for an ABC reality show. Read on....

Summary: Casting Single, Successful, Beautiful Women for TV Show
Name: Alexis Diamond
Category: General
Title: Casting Director
Media Outlet: Television
Specific Geographic Region: N
Deadline: 01:06am PACIFIC - 20 June
Query: ABC MEDIA PRODUCTIONS is NOW CASTING SINGLE WOMEN who are LOOKING FOR LOVE anywhere but here!!! Casting real women ages 25 to 40 who are successful in every aspect of life except one…finding love. You're climbing your way up the corporate ladder, just put a down payment on your own condo... you have everything except the right guy to share it with.

"Holidate" is similar to the movie "The Holiday" with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet; single women seeking true love in another city. We provide the new city, the new digs, the new guys… even the plane ticket. The girls just have to believe in love…and get on board!

This is NOT A COMPETITION SHOW, no eliminations, catches or surprises… just a genuine search for love! The time commitment is about 5 days this summer.

If you are interested or would like to nominate someone, email the info below to 1. Recent photo (face and full body) 2. Full name, age, occupation, city of residence 3. Phone number(s) 4. Tell us a little about yourself.

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